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Wednesday 8 June 2011

Albert Einstein Quotes Part-19

I am not only a pacifist but a militant pacifist. I am willing to fight for peace. Nothing will end war unless the people themselves refuse to go to war.

I believe that a simple and unassuming manner of life is best for everyone, best both for the body and the mind.

I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation and is but a reflection of human frailty.

I do not believe in immortality of the individual, and I consider ethics to be an exclusively human concern with no superhuman authority behind it.

I do not believe in the God of theology who rewards good and punishes evil.


बच्चों की गलती नहीं है, जब स्त्रियां ( माताएं) दीपिका, कैटरीना  बनने के सपने देखती हो तो समाज में  महावीर या बुद्ध का जन्म कैसे हो?